Talent cultivation

Our center participates in the “Taiwan Experience Education Program (TEEP)” running by the Ministry of Education. We provide short-term exchange for international students every year. Through short-term internship opportunities, they can understand Taiwan’s higher education environment and advantages, thereby retaining international talents.

In two months oversea research project (2023. 07-09), Assoc. Prof.. Li-Fong Lin cooperated with the laboratory of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and visited Burdenco Neurosurgery Center.

Prof. Cheng-Ta Yang, Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, led teachers and students from Graduate Institute of Mind Brain and Consciousness to visit Japan on August 8 and 9, 2023 for a two-days joint workshop with Tohoku University in Japan and National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan. (To see more)

This winter (2023.01-02), Prof. Jian-Chiun Liou and students visited Cleveland, Ohio, USA for internship. By intending courses in Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) and visiting Cleveland Medical Center to learn how to collect clinical data on patients with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Discussing with the local students to improve clinical researches, working spaces and health […]

This summer (2023.07-08), in cooperation with the Texas Heart Medical Center in the United States. Three students leading by Prof. Jian-Chiun Liou visited Texas Medical Equipment Development Company (MED) and Health Resources Technologies, LLC (HEART) for industrial internship and technical exchange.